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One of Four CT Hospitals to Receive CMS Highest Five-Star Quality Rating, 并获得了“A”级医院安全评级,使DKH成为全国前三的医院


国内买球的正规网站有哪些被医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心(CMS)授予最高的五星级质量评级。, and was honored with an “A” grade in the spring 2021 release of the Leapfrog Group’s Hospital Safety Grade, 这是一项国家荣誉,表彰DKH在保护患者免受错误侵害方面的成就, injuries, accidents, and infections.

“为我们的地区提供高质量的医疗保健是我们戴金博尔医疗保健的首要任务,” said Kyle Kramer, chief executive officer, Day Kimball Healthcare. “戴金博尔很自豪能成为我们地区唯一一家获得这种认可的医院. 我们很荣幸能够成为致力于提供优质患者护理并为患者提供积极体验的精英医院之一. These recognitions are a testament to our incredible team of physicians, nurses, clinical staff, 还有那些每天来工作的幕后人员,他们致力于提供卓越的质量, safety, and service.”

CMS Five-Star Quality Rating
DKH是康涅狄格州仅有的四家医院之一,在CMS中获得了五星级的整体排名, the highest ranking possible. Nationally, DKH在获得这一殊荣的合格医院中排名前13%(400多家医院之一).

CMS创建了五星质量评级系统,帮助消费者比较医院和养老院的设施. CMS’ Care Compare website is consumer-oriented, 并提供了关于医院如何为患者提供推荐护理的信息. 这些信息可以帮助消费者做出明智的决定,决定去哪里进行医疗保健,并提供一个质量评级系统,为医院和养老院提供1到5颗星的评级.

Since the start of the star rating system in 2015, CMS从医院收集和汇编数据,并使用这些信息分配1-5个开始的评级. 大部分数据来自对实际患者的调查,评估他们的具体经历.

CMS uses the rating system to measure multiple facets of over 4,在全国范围内,000家医院推动系统地改善病人的护理和安全. CMS星级评定系统的具体绩效指标包括与五个方面有关的测量:死亡率, Safety of Care, Re-Admission Rate, Patient Experience, and Timely and Effective Care. The ratings are published on the CMS Care Compare website. Each category is weighted and combined to create a score.

Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade
Leapfrog集团是一个独立的国家监督组织,致力于医疗保健质量和安全. The Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade assigns an “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,"或" F "级发给全国所有综合医院,每六个月更新一次. 这是唯一一个完全基于医院预防医疗事故和其他伤害的医院评级计划.

Day Kimball was among 33% of over 2,全国有700家医院被评为“A”级,康涅狄格州有8家, placing it in the top third of hospitals in the nation for patient safety. The healthcare system first earned an “A” grade in the fall of 2017.

“‘A’安全等级是一个精英的称号,你的社区应该为此感到自豪,” said Leah Binder, president and CEO of The Leapfrog Group. “The past year has been extraordinarily difficult for hospitals, 但戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些向我们展示了将注意力集中在病人和他们的安全上是可能的, no matter what it takes.”

Developed under the guidance of a national Expert Panel, Leapfrog医院安全等级使用多达27项可公开获得的医院安全数据指标,将等级划分为2级以上,700 U.S. acute-care hospitals twice per year. The Hospital Safety Grade’s methodology is peer-reviewed and fully transparent, and the results are free to the public. 查看戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些的完整等级详细信息,并获取在医院保持安全的患者提示, visit and follow The Leapfrog Group on Twitter and Facebook.

戴金博尔医疗保健最近还获得了联合委员会颁发的三项国家质量奖, 对美国的卫生保健组织和项目进行认证和认证的独立组织: 联合委员会的金印章批准®高级认证初级中风中心; 戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些和戴金博尔家庭医疗保健获得了联合委员会的金章批准®; and The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® for Joint Replacement Certification.

“我们很荣幸能够获得这些荣誉,这进一步证明了我们的医疗保健系统对康涅狄格州东北部社区是多么重要的资源. As we continue to redefine what a community hospital should be, 我们的目标是提供最优质的护理,并在各个层面建立学习和绩效改进的文化. Especially with the added layer of safety issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, 我为我们的员工持续的团队合作感到非常自豪,他们在病人安全和质量方面保持了高标准,” added Kramer.

大昌医院以其为患者和社区提供的卓越护理而自豪. 要了解更多关于戴金宝医院的各种安全和质量措施,请访问我们的 Quality & Patient Safety page.

About The Leapfrog Group
Founded in 2000 by large employers and other purchasers, Leapfrog集团是一个全国性的非营利组织,致力于推动美国医疗保健质量和安全方面的巨大飞跃. 旗舰的Leapfrog医院调查和新的Leapfrog门诊手术中心(ASC)调查收集并透明地报告医院和ASC的表现, 使购买者能够找到最高价值的护理,并为消费者提供做出明智决策所需的救生信息. The Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade, Leapfrog’s other main initiative, assigns letter grades to hospitals based on their record of patient safety, helping consumers protect themselves and their families from errors, injuries, accidents, and infections.

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